Laser Distance Measure Suggestions?

I need a laser distance measure to measure HVAC linesets runs and room square feet/cubix feet. Suggestions?

Maybe I misunderstand your question - but isn’t measuring for lineset runs sometimes a bit tricky? That would be especially true if you don’t have line of sight from end to end but need to snake lines on split units.

Anyway - I’ve been using a Leica Disto 810 for about 6 years - mostly to help my wife estimate landscaping projects. I find it to be very nice - does most of the calculating for me - allows for use of pictures to do measurements and can compensate for elevation changes and aiming changes to avoid obstacles (like shrubbery). But it is expensive and may be overkill for what you need:

Stuart over on the main Toolguy site has reviewed several instruments - mostly Bosch - so that might be worth a look

not sure your price needs or if you want something that will BT to your mobile so as to save measurements.

But I’m looking at the Bosch I think something 45 I believe. it’s 1/8th inch accuracy which I think will be fine for me. and for HVAC I’m assuming you just plan to use these to estimate rooms - and maybe general distance run. Like pad to sofit, and maybe across the attic so you’d estimate you need 40 ft of pipe give or take a bit - then trim to fit.