I’m a bit of a screwdriver junkie, and I was very curious to check out Stanley Black & Decker’s new acetate screwdrivers (made in Taiwan). FedEx just dropped these off, and so far I’m pleasantly surprised. Compared with a Western Forge made in USA Craftsman screwdriver, they are nearly identical apart from the translucent blue on the SBD version. Even the horizontal ridges on the tip of the slotted screwdrivers are a near match with the Western Forge model. I purchased the 12 piece and 5/16" x 6" square shank from Lowe’s to get a broad range of different models.
Even though these are not made in USA, they are still high quality (isn’t that what matters?). I love my USA made tools just as anyone else, and I HATE buying crap tools. When I first saw the new Craftsman tools weren’t being made in the USA I was skeptical due to Sears moving Craftsman tool production to China
SBD Craftsman 5/16" x 6" next to Western Forge Craftsman 1/4" x 6"
I’ll post an update after I put these to use, but thought I would share my thoughts on the NEW Craftsman tools.